Just a small plan after all

2 min readJul 17, 2020

It’s funny how once I opened this page, it said “tell your story” and with a smile, I thought to myself “that is exactly what I had intended to do.” It’s just beautiful when things fall in place, right? But what about those times when our well thought out plans in life do not pan out the way they were supposed to.

Is there a bigger reason as to why your smaller plans don’t work out? I am starting to believe that there is.

As a teenager, I always dreamt of having an indenpendent life away from my protective family and home, who I love more than my life, just to experience the rawness of life, falling in it and learning from it. I remember looking at college brochures, the ones I was applying to and getting extremely excited about going there and eventually working as a professional in some other city. Although I put in my hardwork, I couldn’t get the required score on my test to get in so I chose to go a college in the same city. And just like that five years went by in college. The fact that I couldn’t get in my dream college does not bother me anymore. It was just a small plan after all.

While in my final year, I applied to universities outside India to purse my masters. I got into the colleges I applied to but did not want to spend two years of my life thereafter in repaying the loan. So I let that opportunity go, something I regeretted until recently, but not anymore. It was just a small plan after all.

Throughout the next five years, I was tirelessly applying for jobs outside the city which I thought would not only further enhance my career but also would fulfill that little girl’s dream. Nothing that came along felt right. The struggle for me felt real but suddenly it din’t matter anymore. It was afterall just a small plan.

Then all of a sudden everything in life changed especially the way I looked at it. I seemed to let it all go. I am building a practice in a city where I have been surrounded by well wishers all my life right from people from my school, to college and to work place. And in a profession like mine, that plays a very important role. Which is when I realised that all along the while that all of my smaller plans were not working out, I was actually subconsciously working on a bigger plan, by the help of the Supreme.

So don’t you worry if your smaller plans aren’t working out yet, it is only because bigger things are awaiting you. Just believe.

